lunch on the lakeside with colleagues from UNICEF's Office of Emergency Programmes (EMOPS)
Mia came to Geneva a few years ago to work with me as an intern at UNICEF. From day 1 I knew she was an extraordinary woman. Beautiful, intelligent, quick learner, always upbeat, optimistic, and so full of life. She never seemed to focus on problems, but rather looked at difficult situations as opportunities for learning and finding solutions. And that also seemed to be her general attitude towards life, and something I very much admired in Mia. Everybody she met and worked with fell in love with her instantly. Here are some pics of her time in Geneva.
I first met Mia when Adam brought her home for Thanksgiving in November, 2007. I had never seen Adam so happy and I knew that he would be with her on her journey wherever that might take her. As I came to know her, I immediately knew why Adam had fallen in love with this amazing young woman. Mia was smart and sweet and loving and funny and had so much to bring to this world. I learned so much from her about how to live life fully every day and to enjoy the moments we have with our loved ones. I couldn't have been happier than when Adam and Mia were married. I will never forget this amazing young woman who brought so much joy into so many lives, especially the life of my dear son, Adam.