I still can't even begin to find the words to express everything Mia meant to me and how much she is missed……. so I thought maybe I'd quote some of her own words... she always had such a way with them :-)
"The Sweeneys should NOT cut hair.End of story."
"I miss New York and I'm only in Brooklyn!"
"Yeahhhh man, the chapters of our lives ..As they say, "what doesn't kill you makes your book longer!" ;)"
".....i dreamt i was in australia last night .. walking to your house .. it was by a swamp with lots of wild animals and your neighbor was a black dude that lived in a shack (!!) davida was super pregnant and she wore a yellow t-shirt."
"I get cold, tired and hungry very easily!"
"...i actually saw robin williams at bagram airbase in kabul.. he wasn't particularly funny."
"First of all how impressed are you that I remembered Davida and Sam's wedding anniversary??!! I mean, did they even remember?? :)"
"I'm such a fucking rockstar! I take care of myself in a way that makes me so proud of .. me! ;)"
"Happy international women's day. Yay to all women!!: don't you just love us!!!! :) :) :) :) :)"
".........."Life's too important to be taken seriously" Oscar Wilde ;)"
(Re Eva and Mia in NY) - "We walk arm in arm and of course are a sight for sore eyes .. In the LES (Lower East Side) they say "mmm charlie's angels" but then in midtown, a bit disturbingly they called us "..lesbian bitches" .... !!!! So we ain't going back to midtown -- the lower east side is much nicer :)"
"I miss New York and I'm only in Brooklyn!"
"Yeahhhh man, the chapters of our lives ..As they say, "what doesn't kill you makes your book longer!" ;)"
".....i dreamt i was in australia last night .. walking to your house .. it was by a swamp with lots of wild animals and your neighbor was a black dude that lived in a shack (!!) davida was super pregnant and she wore a yellow t-shirt."
"I get cold, tired and hungry very easily!"
"...i actually saw robin williams at bagram airbase in kabul.. he wasn't particularly funny."
"First of all how impressed are you that I remembered Davida and Sam's wedding anniversary??!! I mean, did they even remember?? :)"
"I'm such a fucking rockstar! I take care of myself in a way that makes me so proud of .. me! ;)"
"Happy international women's day. Yay to all women!!: don't you just love us!!!! :) :) :) :) :)"
".........."Life's too important to be taken seriously" Oscar Wilde ;)"
(Re Eva and Mia in NY) - "We walk arm in arm and of course are a sight for sore eyes .. In the LES (Lower East Side) they say "mmm charlie's angels" but then in midtown, a bit disturbingly they called us "..lesbian bitches" .... !!!! So we ain't going back to midtown -- the lower east side is much nicer :)"
"DAVIDA is taking taking pictures.. not just pictures but GOOD pictures. Yep. People can change.. they most certainly can!"
"Come for a swim at my rooftop pool! Dammit :p"
"Weather is delicious here, I want to eat the world!!"
"Aiii the dreams .. life is full of dreams and aren't they wonderful ..
they make me feel waaarm inside!"
they make me feel waaarm inside!"
Love you loca xx
This post made me laugh and cry all at the same time. Thanks, Kir, for sharing these classic lines from our one-and-only.