Mia & Richie.
Backstage at Bodles. Chester, NY. January 2008
Mia loved live music shows, and also loved to get out of the city and into the grassy countryside nearby. This day she got to do both. I had a gig with our friend Amber, opening for Richie Havens at Boodles Opera House in Chester—about 60 miles north of NYC. While Amber and I did our soundcheck, Mia found a patch of shade in a meadow behind the venue. She sat there a long while, writing in her journal, enjoying the greenspace and the quiet—until Amber and I found her hiding place. Then, she got to watch Amber and me play to a crowd of true music lovers, and then—then—she got to enjoy the incredible folk mojo of Richie Havens, who she’d known nothing about. She grooved to his songs of freedom, and laughed at his stories. (Particularly his riff on the intro to the old Superman TV show—“Truth, justice, and the American way. And the American way?”) We got to hang out with Richie after the show, and I think the two of them discovered that they may have been descendents from the same planet. Krpton, maybe?
Too fucking cool. She, who had never heard of Richie Havens before, obviously gets to meet and impress him before us long standing fans. So Mia. Aws.